Rooftop Gardens
Esther Li
I really like the matte stock used on this packaging as it contrasts with high shine wrappers that are most commonly used. I think this makes the product look higher quality. I also find how the two examples have reversed colours as it keeps the products as set, whilst still clearly distinguishes the two. The use of symbols is also very interesting and also the unusual type layout.
I think this packaging demonstrates how successful spot colour can be. I love the contrast between the turquoise and the brown cardboard and other colours. The use of the brown stock also helps it to stand out as it is very different to what would conventionally be used in the shop environment, how it is also used on the inside works well.
Marou Faiseurs de Chocolat
The foiling really enhances the design on this packaging. I like how the same design is applied to the whole range but the flavour is distinguished through the use of colour.
Chocolates with Attitude
Bessermachen Design Studio
This is one of my favourite examples I have found, as I love how the pastel colours contrast with the traditional brown chocolate tone. The concept of giving each of the chocolates a personality and emphasising this through the use of corresponding typefaces and colour is really unique. The individual boxes within a collection is also very unique.
The use of the brown cardboard in this packaging gives it a very commercial look, that links with heavy goods packaging. This contrast between the idea and the actual product is very interesting. Only the injection of the pink spot colour takes it away to have a more playful feel. The white text that appears to be screen printed onto the card is also a great technique that I could look into.
The Marmara Chocolate Package
I feel that this is the most traditional example that I have found and even though I feel it looks very classic and sophisticated I think this is something I want to move away from, to focus on a more playful idea. One aspect that has attracted my attention is the format of the long box as it is very unusual.
Isabela Rodgrigues
With this design what caught my attention was the double sided wrap that goes around the chocolate tablet as it gives it a luxurious feel, the repeat pattern also links with the pattern on the chocolate itself that is good attention to detail. I also like the simple strip of colour at the base of the packet.
This design appeals to a younger target audience. I think the thought of using the packaging in an inventive way is very clever and I like how the characters have been created, although I feel this would not be suitable for the people the product is aimed at.
Einem Chocolate
This is one of the more creative examples and I think a design like this would have a great deal of shelf appeal. The shape of the chocolates is also very interesting and I like how it fits into the shape of the unusual box. Even though I like this idea the client of this brief has very specific size requirements so it will be hard to apply this idea onto my own designs.
Chitra Artisan Chocolates
Mai K Nguyen
The patterns used in this print are very aesthetically pleasing, but in general is has quite a simplistic design. Although I do like how they have been stored into one open ended box, and the link with this format and title with books is clever.
Ben Ren
What drew me to this package is the use of inverted colour and the linear pattern works really well to highlight this.