I like the simplicity of this piece with the use of over laying text and image and transparency. The concept is also quite interesting with using translations of words from different languages that mean rain. I find the monochromatic colour scheme attractive and I like how it links with the grey skies you see when it rains.
This poster is from a selection of designs that look into portraying different types of weather and landscapes in a minimal way. I like the use a pattern and line that makes up the composition and also the textures that are integrated into the piece.
I chose this piece more for its design features than concept. I find the background design really attractive especially because of the use of tonal black and white that creates the form.
I find these designs really interesting because of the use of colour and shape. They are part of a set that is for the rebrand of a weather channel. The image of left shows the areas that will suffer from rain it also uses colour to show the levels of heaviness. The other two are icons to represent rainy and stormy weather, I love these and I like how the clouds have been created using the angular shapes.
There is a very strong contextual meaning behind these... 'A series of postcards designed to bring hope and support to the Japanese population. Each postcard shows, in both English and Japanese, the words: “After the rain, earth hardens”. These are the words of a Japanese saying which becomes a powerful message of hope for the future and a way to help people in the disaster areas in Japan. Three different prints convey the message through different illustrations of birds which are endowed with positive meanings and which are regarded as symbols of hope, peace and recovery.' I like the alternative colours scheme and how the imagery is constrained to a shape.
This poster takes on quite a different approach to the rest of advertising an event. I think it works well for its purpose because it appeals so much to the stereotypical images of rain that will attract the target audience. I think the use of shape is interesting and I like how it has been ted to create a frame for the text.
These posters take on more of a controversial approach, which may not fit with the aim for this brief. Although I really like the simplicity and block colour.
This piece is very subtle, I really like the pastel tones and how they have a watery effect. The only problem is that the text is quite illegible which could be a problem if I'm trying to convey a message.
My favourite part of this image are the raindrops, especially with how they fit together to create a pattern with variation because of the different textures and colours.
I like the naive quality of this image and I think the us of the block texture is really effective. Although I don't think it works well and compliments the surrounding pattern.
I think this piece demonstrates the power of simplicity, through monochrome colour and contrasting pattern. I think it's clever how this has been created and is so atmospheric.
This is one of my favourite designs from this set of research. I think the use of texture works well especially on the umbrellas. I also like the use of the raindrop symbol, the overlaid colours looks good as does the large size. I think the proportions of the composition also lends itself to the design.
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