- introduce key themes and concepts in semiotics
- explore key theories and theorists in the field of structural linguistics
- explore uses of semiotics in the analysis of art and design
Defining Semiotics
- Saussure defined semiology - a study of 'sign systems'
- introduced image based signs
- signifier/signified/referent, immediate structure of the sign system
- signifier - image, word, colour
- signified - mental concept of the word, what you see in your head, element of thinking
- referent - actual thing itself
- he separated the word sign from meaning, that meaning is not inherent within the sign
- he separated the act of speech from the system of language
- semiotics is a form of meta-language - a language about language
- systems and structures (the context of the sign) dictate the reading
- what dictates what we see as the signified
what do colours signify?
- green - grass, go
- blue - water, cold
- shown with a crisp
- green - cheese and onion
- blue - salt and vinegar
- walkers is reverse
- shows that there is an agreement within the system of communication
- meaning is established in differentiation
- rather than establish what it is we establish what it is not
Connotation and Denotation
- provides us with levels or orders of signification
- Roland Barthes warns that denotation isn't a literal meaning but is naturalised through language
- most evident where signifiers merely refer to other signifiers
- myths are signs that are culturally informed
- myths often appear to go without saying yet function to hide dominant cultural values or beliefs
- wine - intelligent, sophisticated
- milk - strong
Syntam and Paradigm
- syntagym - a collection of signifiers within a text (sentence)
- syntagmatic relations - how signifiers within a syntagym relate to each other
- paradigm - signifiers that relate through function or relative meaning
- paradigmatic relation - how paradigmatic signifiers construct and contrast meaning
Metaphor and Metonym
- both non-literal forms of signification, as such require a level on interpretation
- metaphor is where one signifier is replaced with another of similar concept or character
- metonym is where a signifier stands in for another to which is is conceptually or physically a part of (displacement)
- the act of effective persuasion using language
- used by politicians, journalists, advertisers, pr
- subtle, you are unaware that it is working
- can also be used within photography
- meta is a prefix used to alter purpose of a practice or system inwards
- meta-language - language within a language
- meta-narative - an overarching narrative of other smaller narratives
- is the term used for the broad application of semiotics/semiology to a range of sign systems
- further than the application solely to linguistics
- structuralism emphasises structures or systems of signification
- not what it means but how it comes to mean
- semiotic linguistic terms/structures act as analogies for other systems
Post structuralism
- while structuralism focusses on the structures of meaning in any signifying system
- possibilities of mis interpretation
- focuses on the interpreter and the precarious nature of the meaning
- structuralism reduces everything to related elements within a signifying system
- this is authoritarian in nature
- it assumes the presence of meaning, logocentrism
- post structuralists aim to deconstruct and emphasise the plurality of the interpretation
- differer - to differ and to defer
- differance is both differing and defering simultaneously
- where structuralism identified/created structures of signification
- deconstruction aims to dismantle the structures - identifying gaps and instabilities
- emphasising what is lost or cast aside
- binary oppositions
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