Tuesday, 14 May 2013

D.C Publication Finished Magazine and Analysis.

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The cover of my magazine, as stated previously is aimed to highlight the name of the publication 'clique.' It features a selection of young and fashionable celebrities who are friends, that will be instantly recognisable for the target audience. By using these individuals it will grab the viewers attention as they will already follow them and be interested in their life. By using the mirror it allows the audience to see themselves within this high status group and imagine having the lifestyle they lead, therefore the sub text 'will you make the cut?' will attract their attention.


A common occurrence that I noticed during my research was near the start of a lot of magazines was a list of  writers that had contributed to the magazine that stated there credentials that usually involved being well known in fashion, photography or other trend related areas. I decided to take this and tailor it my own content. During my publication I have used quotes from three specific people so I have take these to be my 'contributors.' The write up about them also highlights there accolades within their fields of knowledge.

Lanvin Paris advertisement

I have chosen this advertisement as it supports the quote perfectly and highlights Freud's theory of female narcissism really well. The model is shown kissing her own reflection and revelling in her beauty.

What they wore

Another common theme is where magazines highlight new trends being worn by celebrities. In my piece it discusses how the readers of magazines can be influenced into purchasing the items seen on their idols as a way of getting closer to them and being more a part of their lifestyle. They believe that by wearing these items it could alter the perception other people have of them like success or wealth. It also looks at the panoptic relation to the paparazzi shots of these celebrities and how this can effect their behaviour to act in a certain way in fear of getting caught out.

Gucci advertisement/What does it mean?

This piece discusses how woman can be portrayed in advertising and how this can affect the audiences perception of appropriate behaviour for man and women. It links the techniques used within the advert to the theories of Rosalind Coward and looks at how the entertainment industry is controlled by men and how this influences the type of images that are in circulation. Because of this women are often portrayed as submissive and men have the dominant role.

Clara Paget interview

Magazines often incorporate an interview with an up and coming star. These girls often describe their movement from an ordinary life into the glamorous realms of the celebrity. By doing this it gives the audience hope that they can turn their lives around in the same way and this style of article acts as an inspiration.

For Love and Lemons fashion spreads

This section spreads across multiple pages and includes glamorous imagery from a fashion shoot. I noticed that on this style of piece there are usually small captions added to highlight where the items in the photographs are from. I have duplicated this style to analyse how the model is acting within the photographs. With the large scale image I have used a quote that has been talked through on the reflected caption.

Fantasy Women

In this written piece I have written about how portraying men and women with certain sexual roles can cause discontent for both genders. Men end up preferring a distanced view of the female from a fear of not living up to their dominant expectations and women because this heightened thought of sex cannot be matched.


My beauty article focuses on how pieces like this influence women into buying beauty products in order to be beautiful and attractive to the opposite sex and how it can create anxiety in trying to live up to the beautiful images of women plastered across magazines. The use of the acetate is to try to convey the message that women don't need makeup to appear beautiful.

Dior advertisement

This advertisement links with the quote as it focusses on how when celebrities are faced with paparazzi it places them alone with all eyes on them. It makes them constantly detectable to the public and the media.

Take to the stage

This article allows the readers to have their fifteen minutes of fame and appear within the same magazine as their celebrity idols. It gives the idea of breaking out of the norm and appearing as a successful and fashionable individual.

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